Remnant in the Time of Covid-19
What day is it? I can’t even remember anymore...
The past couple of months have been crazy weird. There’s not a person I know whose life hasn’t been impacted by COVID-19 in some way, shape, or form. I’m sure no one expected 2020 to go this way, but here we are. Like many of you, my day-to-day life and my work have changed. And there are a lot of emotions and thoughts that have come along with that, so I’d like to share with you an inside look at what’s been going on at Remnant Studios during this time.
I’ve been struggling personally with the tension between wanting to sell so that I can continue to pay contract helpers and make donations to the organizations we support while also wanting to appreciate the slower pace of life. It’s important to acknowledge that this is a scary time, making self-care more important than ever. Some days, it’s hard to find the motivation to do anything, and I’ve had to learn to be gentle with myself. I also understand that it’s a difficult time for everyone and don’t want to feel sleazy by pushing sales when I know many people are limited financially.
Our country, and the world, have suffered so many losses. I mourn with those who are mourning and pray for those who are still suffering. Collective grieving is a heavy weight to bear, but I believe that light can be found even in the darkest of times. I’ve been inspired by how humanity has come together in sweet ways to support each other during this time, and I am celebrating the everyday heroes who continue to go above and beyond to help others. The thing about a global pandemic is that we’re all in this together.
There was so much I wanted to do this year, both personally and with Remnant, that now seems out of reach, and that’s been difficult to come to terms with. I was hoping to get more wholesale deals in shops and boutiques this year, but now the partnerships we already had are being put on hold. I was also hoping to reach a total donation goal of $100k this year, and I was optimistic about it at the start of the year, but now I’m not sure if it’s possible. With so much loss all around us, the loss of goals like this may seem minor, but it doesn’t make it any less difficult to swallow. During this time when I want to contribute more to the causes I care about, I’m having to accept that less is the best I can do right now.
A lot of our sales come from in-person markets. With those off the table for the foreseeable future, I’ve had to get a bit creative. We’ve done a few online sales events, which have been a great success. I’m overwhelmed by the response and support we’ve received from these events. I’m also focusing more on behind-the-scenes photography to make sure that I get all of our one-of-a-kind inventory in front of people’s eyes. There are a lot of cool pieces that have only been available in-person, so I’m excited to share those online now.
At the end of the day, it’s the stories of hope from our partner organizations that keep me going. Human trafficking doesn’t stop for pandemics, so neither does the work of the organizations fighting it and supporting survivors. Therefore, our work continues as well. Several survivors in A21’s care found jobs last month, Global Child Advocates has been spreading information about COVID-19 protection to rural communities, and The Refuge continues to uplift the survivors living on the ranch. During difficult times, it warms my heart to remember that there is still so much good in the world.